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Hier is een lijst met publicaties, prijzen en nominaties.
Crooijmans M.E., Bhatt D.K., Coenradij J, Valero A.M., Lubbers M., Asin-Garcia E, Yewdall N.A, D’Adamo S., Claassens N.J. & Billerbeck S. (2022), A SynBio community comes of age: political, academical, industrial, and societal developments in the Netherlands, Biotechnology Notes 3: 62-69.
Ongenae V.M.A., Sidi Mabrouk A., Crooijmans M.E., Rozen D.E., Briegel A. & Claessen D. (2022), Reversible bacteriophage resistance by shedding the bacterial cell wall, Open Biology 12(6): 210379.
Beal J., Baldwin G.S., Farny N.G., Gershater M., Haddock-Angelli T., Buckley-Taylor R., Dwijayanti A., Kiga D., Lizarazo M., Marken J., Mora K. de, Rettberg R., Sanchania V., Selvarajah V., Sison A., Storch M., Workman C.T. & iGEM Interlab Study Contributors (2021), Comparative analysis of three studies measuring fluorescence from engineered bacterial genetic constructs, PLoS ONE . doi:
Marjolein E. Crooijmans, Tijn O. Delzenne, Tim Hensen, Mina Darehei, Johannes H. de Winde, G. Paul H.van Heusden. Cell-to-cell heterogeneity of phosphate gene expression in yeast is controlled by alternative transcription, 14-3-3 and Spl2. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Gene Regulatory Mechanisms. 2021 doi:
Marijn van den Brink, Sebastian T. Tandar, Tim A. P. van den Akker, Sinisha Jovikj, Violette Defourt, Tom G. B. Langelaar, Tijn O. Delzenne, Kelly van Strien, Amber W. Schonk, Aukje J. A. M. Beers, Eugene Golov, Lucy J. Chong, Güniz Özer Bergman, Joey J. W. D. Meijdam, Marjolein E. Crooijmans, Dennis Claessen, Johannes H. de Winde. Rapidemic, a versatile and label-free DNAzyme-based platform for visual nucleic acid detection. bioRxiv [PREPRINT]. 2020 doi:
Beal J., Farny G.N., Haddock-Angelli T., Selvarajah V., Baldwin G.S., Buckley-Taylor R., Gershater M., Kiga D., Marken J., Sanchania V., Sison A., Workman C.T., Crooijmans M.E. & et al. (2020), Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density, Communications Biology 3: 512.
J. Teunissen, M. Crooijmans, P. Teunisse and G.P. van Heusden. Lack of 14-3-3 proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae results in cell-to-cell heterogeneity in the expression of Pho4-regulated genes SPL2 and PHO84. BMC Genomics. 2017 doi:
Prijzen & Nominaties
NBC23: Best Poster Prize.
KNVM Spring Conference 2023: Best Poster Prize.
Falling Walls: Finalist.
BISC-E 2021: Derde plek tijdens de Nederlandse Finale (Supervisor).
BISC-E 2020: Winnaars van de Nederlandse Finale en Tweede plek op de Europese Finale (Supervisor).
iGEM 2020: De Grote Eerste Prijs. Medaille: Goud. Awards: Beste Diagnostische Project, Beste Wiki, Beste “Supporting Entrepreneurship”, Beste Inclusiviteit. Nominaties: Beste Poster, Beste “Basic Part”, Beste “Integrated Human Practices”, Beste Model. In de Master Studenten Categorie (Supervisor).
EIT Summer School: TOPSTARS 2019, Universiteit van Trento: Beste Salvadori Project (Project Leider).
iGEM 2019: Medaille: Zilver, Award: Beste Productie Project. In de Master Studenten Categorie (Supervisor).
iGEM 2018: Medaille: Goud, Awards: Beste Therapeutische Project, Beste Model, Nominaties: Beste Wiki, Beste “Entrepreneurship”, Beste “Integrated Human Practices”, Beste “Part collection”. In de Master Studenten Categorie (Student).